Be a positive voice of the building industry in the community
Enhance public image of HBAWS members
Be a source of industry information, education for members, community & government officials
Be an advocate for responsible development and growth in the community
Provide services to members which enhance their success and stability and to convey the value of these services to members and non-members
Foster better relations and communication within all segments of the real estate industry
Code of Ethics
The active members of the association shall be limited to those persons and firms who shall subscribe to the following Code of Ethics:
Relations with our consumers, clientele, or public.
The builder and/or associate member, for the protection of all parties who he deals, should see that financial obligations and commitments regarding business activities are in writing, expressing the exact agreement of the parties and that copies of such agreements, at the time they are executed are placed in the hands of all parties involved.
The builder and/or associate member should be informed regarding laws, proposed legislation, governmental zoning, codes and other essential information and public policies which affect their interests.
Our paramount responsibility is to our customer, our community and our country with honesty and a high standard of health, safety and sanitation built into every home.
As members of a progressive industry, we encourage research to develop new materials, new building techniques, new building equipment, and improve methods of home financing to the end that every home purchaser may get the greatest value possible for every dollar invested.
We hold inviolate the free enterprise system and the American way of life. We pledge our support to our associates; our local, state and national associations; and all related industries concerned with the preservation of legitimate rights and freedoms.
Relations of Builder members and Associate members.
The builder and/or associate members shall not attempt to injure, malice or falsely, directly or indirectly, the professional reputation, prospects practice, or employment of another member of the association, nor shall he indiscriminately criticize another member’s work in public. If he believes that another member of the association is guilty of misconduct or illegal practice, he shall present such information to the Ethics Committee in writing.
The builder and/or associate member should seek no unfair advantage over his fellow builder and/or associate members and should willingly share with them the lessons of his experience and study.
The builder and/or associate member should so conduct his business as to avoid controversies between builder and/or associate members who are members of the same association, such controversy should be arbitrated in accordance with regulations of their association rather than litigated.
In the best interest of society, of his associates and of his own business, the builder and/or associate member is morally and financially responsible for those obligations assumed.
Conclusion. We assume these responsibilities freely and solemnly, mindful that they are part of our obligations as members of the Home Builders Association of Winston-Salem, Inc.
NAHB Code of Ethics
Members of the National Association of Home Builders believe and affirm that:
Home ownership can and should be within reach of every American family.
American homes should be well designed, well constructed, and well located in attractive communities, with educational, recreational, religious, and shopping facilities accessible to all.
American homes should be built under the free American enterprise system.