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Honorary Member
The Winston-Salem Professional Women in Building Council exists for the purpose of being the organization representing women in the building industry. Assisting in activities of the Home Builders Association at the local and national levels; thereby improving conditions in the home building industry which will result in improving the social, political, and economical welfare of the nation. Encouraging, through educational programs and scholarships, young people to take up careers in the home building industry. Assisting in producing more affordable housing and promoting with other organizations, the private enterprise objectives and ideology of the home building industry. Promoting goodwill, loyalty, and high standards among members
Membership is available at any of the local councils or through the NCPWB. When you join either a local council or NCPWB, you are automatically a member of the National Professional Women in Building.
Click here for a NCPWB New Member Application.
Contact Gisela Lopez for more information about PWB council membership.
The Professional Women in Building of the Home Builders Association of Winston Salem awards the Lewis & Wanda Wilson Merit Award Scholarship to a qualifying student from the Kennedy Campus or Career Center.
Qualifying students must be enrolled in construction-related studies at a Forsyth Technical Community College. The Professional Women in Building of Winston Salem will be charged with the administration of the scholarships, which will be awarded in accordance with its guidelines and upon the council’s approval.
To be eligible a student must meet the same requirements as outlined in the NCHBECF Scholarship guidelines:
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