Membership Committee & Spike Club

Membership Committee & Spike Club Leadership


Lisa Micheels


Eddie Nuñez

Membership Committee: Identifies and recruits new members of the association and promotes involvement in all association programs and activities.

Duties and Responsibilities:

For further information or to attend a Membership Committee Meeting, please call the HBA office, 336.768.5942.

Membership Committee meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every other month from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. virtually until normal meetings can resume.

Everyone is welcome!

RSVP for lunch:

Spike Club: Growing our Strength through Member Recruitment, Retention and Involvement

How do I earn a Spike Credit?
What are the benefits of becoming a Spike?
Spike Credits are awarded by NAHB based on the credits you have earned locally and are recognized in the following sequence:

The intent of the Spike Club program is to boost membership through awards, recognition, camaraderie, and overall fun.