Company logo is displayed by your name in the online directory. Includes a 3% credit card processing fee.
Scrolling banner/logo on HBAWS website. Includes a 3% credit card processing fee.
For a member who pays their regular NCHBA dues of $70.00 in 2024, 33% or $23.10 will not be eligible for deduction as a business expense, and $46.90 of the NCHBA dues may be tax deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense. NCHBA affiliate member dues are $5.00 so the amount not deductible is $1.65 and $3.35 may be deductible.
The National Association of Home Builders has made a similar calculation with respect to their portion of builder and associate 2024 dues. For 2024, NAHB has determined that 16% of their regular annual dues of $198.00 is non-deductible. Thus, for the NAHB portion of dues $31.68 is not deductible and $166.32 may be deductible. NAHB affiliates dues are $15.00 in 2024. Thus, $2.40 is not deductible and $12.60 may be deductible.
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